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Archive for January 2014
Banglalink 3G internet packages
Activate Banglalink 3G
Dial *5000# to activate preffered package
Deactivate Banglalink 3G
Dial Dial *5000# then reply or answer with 6
Activate Banglalink 3G Activate Banglalink 3G
700MB 200Tk 10Days,Dial *5000*504#
2GB 350Tk 30 Days,Dial *5000*506#
6GB 750Tk 30 Days,Dial *5000*508#
Banglalink 3G Bundle pack
1GB data+300min+200SMS+200MMS with 30days validity at 500tk dial *132*500#
Banglalink 3G Regular Data plans : Speed 1mbps
50MB, 30Tk, 5 Days Validity,Dial *5000*501#
20 MB, 20Tk, 7Days Validity, Dial*5000*522#
200mb, 100Tk, 7 Days Validity,Dial *5000*503#
200 MB(5am -10am), 70Tk ,7 Days Validity , Dial*5000*521#
350MB, 200Tk, 10Days Validity,Dial *5000*504#
55 MB, 50Tk, 15Days Validity, Dial*5000*523#
500mb,250Tk, 15 Days Validity,Dial *5000*505#
120MB, 100Tk, 30Days Validity, Dial *5000*525#
1GB, 350Tk 30 Days Validity,Dial *5000*506#
1GB(5am -10am), 200Tk, 30Days Validity,Dial*5000*526#
2GB, 550Tk 30 Days Validity,Dial *5000*507#
50MB, 55 Tk, 30Days Validity , Dial*5000*524#
2GB, 650Tk, 30Days Validity, Dial*5000*528#
2 GB(10pm-10am), 300Tk, 30Days Validity, Dial*5000*527#
3GB, 750Tk, 30 Days Validity,Dial *5000*508#
5GB, 950Tk, 30 Days Validity,Dial *5000*509#
10GB, 1600Tk, 30 Days Validity,Dial *5000*510#
Banglalink 3G Internet Package balance check
to check balance dial *222*3#
Banglalink 3G Internet Package will have auto-renewal
To stop the package, dial *5000*6#
Banglalink 3G video call :
50 paisa per 10 seconds*banglalink subscribers availing 3G data packs will automatically become eligible for video calling.
* once ready, just enter a number or select a number from your phone book.
* by selecting video call from your handset, the call is on.
*you can also receive a video call as long as the caller is in 3G coverage area.
*the video call may drop when a subscriber moves from 3G to 2G area.
*once you choose to make a video call, then video call tariff will be applicable as 50 paisa per 10 seconds.
*this is applicable for banglalink to banglalink calls only within 3G coverage area.
* 15% vat applicable.
Terms & conditions for Internet Packages
*subscribers will be able to enjoy the maximum speed of 1mbps.
* the speed may vary subject to device compatibility, usage pattern and subscriber location, etc.
* subscribers will be charged at tk 0.01/10kb once the quota (volume) finish before pack expires.
* to find consumed quota (volume), subscribers need to dial *222*3#.
*data packs will have auto-renewal. to stop the package, dial *5000*6#.
*subscribers need to be within 3G coverage areas to enjoy the 3G speed.
*15% vat applicable.
* to know more, dial 77666 (free)
Helpline or Customer Care 121,01911304121
Tag :
3G internet pakage,
বন্ধ করা হচ্ছে ‘অনিবিন্ধত সিম’ ব্যবহারের ফাঁক-ফোকর
বন্ধ করা হচ্ছে ‘অনিবিন্ধত সিম’ ব্যবহারের ফাঁক-ফোকর। গ্রাহকের পরিচয় নিশ্চিত হতে ‘জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্রের ডাটাবেজ’ যাচাই করেই ‘সিম’ নিবন্ধন করতে হবে অপারেটরদের। এরপরই সচল হবে মোবাইল সংযোগ।
আর সেই লক্ষ্যেই মোবাইল অপারেটরদের জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্রের ডাটাবেজে প্রবেশের সুযোগ করে দিতে উদ্যোগ নিচ্ছে সরকার। স্বেচ্ছা প্রণোদিত হয়ে এই উদ্যোগ নিয়েছেন ডাক ও টেলিযোগাযোগমন্ত্রী আবদুল লতিফ সিদ্দিকী।
এ বিষয়ে ইতিমধ্যেই অ্যাসোসিয়েশন অব মোবাইল ফোন অপারেটরসের (অ্যামটব) কর্মকর্তাদের সঙ্গে বৈঠক করেছেন। খুব শিগগিরি তিনি নির্বাচন কমিশনের সঙ্গেও আলাপ করবেন বলে জানিয়েছেন মোবাইল ফোন অপারেটরদের সংগঠন অ্যামটব কর্মকর্তাদের।
তবে এই কথা জানানোর একদিন পরই মন্ত্রী জান্ডিসে আক্রান্ত হওয়ায় উদ্যোগটি বাস্তবায়নে কিছুটা সময় লাগতে পারে।
সংশ্লিষ্ট সূত্র জানিয়েছে, মার্চ-এপ্রিল নাগাদ হয়তো নির্দিষ্ট ফির বিনিময়ে অপারেটররা নির্বাচন কমিশনের জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্রের ডাটাবেজ ব্যবহার করতে পারবে। নতুন সংযোগ দেয়ার আগে গ্রাহকের দেয়া জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্রের ফটোকপির সঙ্গে মূল ডাটাবেজে সংরক্ষিত তথ্য মিলিয়ে দেখার জন্য এ সুযোগ দেয়া হবে।
ভুল তথ্য দিয়ে কেউ যেন মোবাইল সংযোগ নিতে না পারে সেটা নিশ্চিত করতেই এ পরিকল্পনা করা হচ্ছে বলে জানিয়েছেন ডাক ও টেলিযোগযোগ মন্ত্রী। তিনি বলেছেন, আবদুল লতিফ সিদ্দিকী বলেন, “মোবাইল অপারেটররা যাতে ভোটার তালিকা থেকে গ্রাহকের পরিচয় নিশ্চিত করে সংযোগ চালু করতে পারে সে উদ্যোগ নেয়া হচ্ছে।”
বর্তমানে নতুন সংযোগের ক্ষেত্রে জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্রের ফটোকপি প্রদান বাধ্যতামূলক হলেও ভুয়া তথ্য দিয়ে সংযোগ নেয়ার অভিযোগ রয়েছে। ভুয়া তথ্য দিয়ে নেয়া এসব সংযোগের মাধ্যমে প্রতারণাসহ নানা অপরাধমূলক কর্মকাণ্ডের অভিযোগ রয়েছে।
বর্তমানে বাংলাদেশ ব্যাংক ও জাতীয় রাজস্ব বোর্ড নির্বাচন কমিশনের সঙ্গে সমঝোতা স্মারকের মাধ্যমে নির্বাচন কমিশনের জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্রের ডাটাবেজ ব্যবহার করছে। এখন পর্যন্ত কোনো বেসরকারি কোনো প্রতিষ্ঠানকে এই ডাটাবেজ ব্যবহারের অনুমতি দেয়া হয়নি।
জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্রের তথ্যভাণ্ডার ব্যবহারের সুযোগ পেলে অপারেটররা অনলাইনে গ্রাহকের পরিচয় ও তথ্য নিশ্চিত করে সিম চালু করার ব্যবস্থা নিতে পারবে। বর্তমানে জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্রের কপি কিংবা অন্য কোনো নথি ব্যবহার করে গ্রাহকরা মোবাইল ফোনের সংযোগ নিতে পারে। এর ফলে চাঁদাবাজি, হুমকি, সন্ত্রাসী ও রাষ্ট্রবিরোধী কর্মকাণ্ডে ভুয়া সিমের ব্যবহার কমে আসবে বলে মনে করছেন সংশ্লিষ্টরা।
Source:Notun barta
Tag :
telecom news,
Grameenphone brings a fantastic handset offer
rameenphone brings a fantastic offer! Under this campaign; any customer will be able to purchase their preferred handset from the portfolio offer which include Samsung Trend at Tk. 10,900, Samsung Star pro at Tk. 8,900, Symphony W66 at Tk. 5,990, NOKIA 208 at Tk. 5,900 and NOKIA Asha at Tk. 7,100.
Customers will receive first 250MB data (512 kbps) at free of cost with 15 days validity after successful tagging. Customers will also be able to purchase 250 MB data at BDT 50 (+VAT) for 10 times within 3 months with the validity of 15 days for each purchase.
Offer details
•Any New and Existing Grameenphone prepaid and postpaid customer (except GPPP, VP, BPO, BS Postpaid, PCO) can avail this offer, upon purchasing any of the offered handsets.
•Customers need to tag-in to get this offer. Customers will get tagged by dialing 4724 port or dialing *#4724# (Charge is not applicable).
•Customers will receive first free 500 MB data with 15 days validity within 72 hours of successful tag-in. Customers need to pay Tk. 100 (+VAT) for next 500MB of data every times customer will take.
•Customers will be able to purchase 500 MB of data at Tk. 100 after 24 hours of receiving the free 500MB data.
•Customers need to send SMS by typing Y from message option and send to 4724 (free) to purchase data. Customers will receive confirmation SMS after completion of this purchase process.
•Customers will get the Data offer maximum 10 times during the campaign within 3 months. For each 500MB internet, validity will be 15 days.
•For multiple tagging by the same user, first valid tagging will be considered and campaign benefit will be disbursed.
•Customers will receive 512 kbps of internet under this offer.
•Customers will receive the data offer through EDGE outside 3G coverage area.
•If a customer gets the free 3G data while enjoying 512 kbps campaign pack, customer will still enjoy 512kbps speed. The volume will be added and the expiry date will be extended.
•If a customer gets the free 3G data while enjoying any 3G pack, the existing 3G pack will auto renew on the expiry date & maximum validity will be considered.
•Prepaid customers can check remaining 3G data volume by dialing *500*60# and to know the amount of used up volume dial *500*61#. Post paid customers can check the remaining data balance and validity by sending SMS to 4777 (Type View Data & send to 4777). Charge is not applicable.
•If anyone wants to deactivate or stop using this internet free offer before the expiry date they can do it by sending stop to 5000 ( free of cost).
•Existing Edge, 3G Heavy Browsing & Smartplan customers will not get the free Internet.
•During the free data disbursement time, if any subscriber found in BARRED status, in that case bonus will not be disbursed.
•In post-paid, free data volume will be added with existing package volume, that the customer might be already using. Free volume can be used after the expiry of already subscribed package volume but within the specific validity period. In prepaid, free data volume will be added to the existing package volume that the customer might be already using.
•If a customer consumes the free data volume before the expiry date, s/he will be charged BDT 0.01/10KB till the end of the ongoing validity period, unless the subscriber purchase any other paid GP internet package.
•If a non Internet user (who has no Internet Package subscribed at the moment of bonus disbursement) gets this offer, after the expiry of the validity date, subscribers will be de-activated and will be charged BDT 0.01/10KB if the subscriber finishes the free volume before the expiry date.
•3G handsets will receive 3G Speed and 2G handsets will receive EDGE Speed.
•No Auto-renewal feature will be available.
•For handset related after sales service customers need to contact with the handset vendors customer care center.
•15% VAT applicable.
•Offer is valid for handsets sold from selected Grameenphone Centers only.
Tag :
handset offer,
Banglalink SMS,Min Bundles
36min+36sms bundle pack 9.99tk+VAT,1 day Validity
36min usable bl-bl fnf cada 9am-5pm
36sms usable all bl-bl 24hr
Get It Dial *132*2# , Check balance *124*2#
500SMS, 5Tk+VAT ,usable all bl-bl 24hr,1 day Validity
Get It Dial*132*1# ,Check balance *124*2#
daily100SMS, 2.99tk+VAT ,usable all bl-bl 24hr,1 day Validity
*Protidin Auto 2.99tk+VAT balance theke kete felbe
Get It Dial *222*8#,Deregister *222*9#Check balance *124*2#
Tag :
banglalink bundel,
airtel Min,SMS Bundles
Type "Start A/B/C/D/E" send to 4444
*Usable airtel-airtel fnf chada 24h
*Min Check *778*5# SMS Check *778*2#
Bundle A : 10tk,2Day Validity,30min + 12 SMS
Bundle B : 25tk,4Days Validity,85min + 26 SMS
Bundle C : 50tk,9Days Validity,170min + 51 SMS
Bundle D : 100tk,15Days Validity,400min + 102SMS
Bundle E : 300tk,45Days Validity,1200min + 302 SMS
airtel to other operator bundle 30Tk+VAT with 3days Validity
Other operator talktime 50 min usable 12am-4pm,*778*27#
airtel-airtel sms 30 usable 24 hour,*778*2#
airtel-airtel mms 30 usable 24 hour,*778*8#
Data 30MB usable 1am-8am,*778*25# (????!!!!!)
SMS "L" to 4444 or dial *121*10*1*12#
bundle 1 : 5tk+VAT with 1days validity
airtel-airtel talktime 20 min usable 12am-4pm,*778*26#
airtel-airtel sms 5 usable 24 hour,*778*2#
airtel-airtel mms 5 usable 24 hour,*778*8#
Data 30MB usable 1am-8am,*778*25# (????!!!!!)
SMS "J" to 4444 or dial *121*10*1*10#
bundle 2 : 9tk+VAT with 1days validity
airtel-airtel talktime 36 min usable 24 hour,*778*5#
airtel-airtel sms 9 usable 24 hour,*778*2#
airtel-airtel mms 9 usable 24 hour,*778*8#
Data 30MB usable 1am-8am,*778*25# (????!!!!!)
SMS "k" to 4444 or dial *121*10*1*11#
*Usable airtel-airtel fnf chada 24h
*Min Check *778*5# SMS Check *778*2#
Bundle A : 10tk,2Day Validity,30min + 12 SMS
Bundle B : 25tk,4Days Validity,85min + 26 SMS
Bundle C : 50tk,9Days Validity,170min + 51 SMS
Bundle D : 100tk,15Days Validity,400min + 102SMS
Bundle E : 300tk,45Days Validity,1200min + 302 SMS
airtel to other operator bundle 30Tk+VAT with 3days Validity
Other operator talktime 50 min usable 12am-4pm,*778*27#
airtel-airtel sms 30 usable 24 hour,*778*2#
airtel-airtel mms 30 usable 24 hour,*778*8#
Data 30MB usable 1am-8am,*778*25# (????!!!!!)
SMS "L" to 4444 or dial *121*10*1*12#
airtel -airtel bundles
bundle 1 : 5tk+VAT with 1days validity
airtel-airtel talktime 20 min usable 12am-4pm,*778*26#
airtel-airtel sms 5 usable 24 hour,*778*2#
airtel-airtel mms 5 usable 24 hour,*778*8#
Data 30MB usable 1am-8am,*778*25# (????!!!!!)
SMS "J" to 4444 or dial *121*10*1*10#
bundle 2 : 9tk+VAT with 1days validity
airtel-airtel talktime 36 min usable 24 hour,*778*5#
airtel-airtel sms 9 usable 24 hour,*778*2#
airtel-airtel mms 9 usable 24 hour,*778*8#
Data 30MB usable 1am-8am,*778*25# (????!!!!!)
SMS "k" to 4444 or dial *121*10*1*11#
Tag :
airtel bundel,
Grameenphone 5 Bundle Offers
Prepaid & Postpaid (xplore, Ekota & GP Public Phone) customer are eligible for this offer.
Free Mins : 20
SMS (GP-GP): 5
Internet (MB): 5
MMS (GP-GP) : 5
Type of Calls : GP-GP
Usable Time Band : 12am-8am
Validity 1day
Free Mins : 10
SMS (GP-GP) : 10
Internet (MB) :10
MMS (GP-GP) : 10
Type of Calls : GP-GP & GP-Others
Usable Time Band :24 hours
Validity 2days
Free Mins : 60
SMS (GP-GP) :25
Internet (MB) :25
MMS (GP-GP) : 25
Type of Calls : GP-GP & GP-Others
Usable Time Band :24 hours
Validity 5days
To Deactivate : *111*10*96# OR Stop M4 and send to 9999
Purchase Price (BDT) : 100
Free Mins : 128
SMS (GP-GP) : 50
Internet (MB) :50
MMS (GP-GP) : 50
Type of Calls : GP-GP & GP-Others
Usable Time Band :24 hours
Validity 12 days
Free Mins :498
SMS (GP-GP) :100
Internet (MB) :100
MMS (GP-GP) : 100
Type of Calls : GP-GP & GP-Others
Usable Time Band :24 hours
Validity 30days
Note: 15% VAT will be applicable on Price and 10 sec pulse will be applicable on free minutes
Customer can avail the offer through SMS based or USSD opt-in process as per the above table
Pack 1
To Activate : *111*10*1# OR Start M1 and send to 9999 To Deactivate :*111*10*99# OR Stop M1 and send to 9999 Purchase Price (BDT) : 5Tk
Free Mins : 20
SMS (GP-GP): 5
Internet (MB): 5
MMS (GP-GP) : 5
Type of Calls : GP-GP
Usable Time Band : 12am-8am
Validity 1day
Pack 2
To Activate :*111*10*2# OR Start M2 and send to 9999To Deactivate : *111*10*98# OR Stop M2 and send to 9999Purchase Price (BDT) : 10
Free Mins : 10
SMS (GP-GP) : 10
Internet (MB) :10
MMS (GP-GP) : 10
Type of Calls : GP-GP & GP-Others
Usable Time Band :24 hours
Validity 2days
Pack 3
To Activate :*111*10*3# OR Start M3 and send to 9999To Deactivate : *111*10*97# OR Stop M3 and send to 9999 Purchase Price (BDT) : 50
Free Mins : 60
SMS (GP-GP) :25
Internet (MB) :25
MMS (GP-GP) : 25
Type of Calls : GP-GP & GP-Others
Usable Time Band :24 hours
Validity 5days
Pack 4
To Activate :*111*10*4# OR Start M4 and send to 9999
To Deactivate : *111*10*96# OR Stop M4 and send to 9999
Purchase Price (BDT) : 100
Free Mins : 128
SMS (GP-GP) : 50
Internet (MB) :50
MMS (GP-GP) : 50
Type of Calls : GP-GP & GP-Others
Usable Time Band :24 hours
Validity 12 days
Pack 5
To Activate :*111*10*5# OR Start M5 and send to 9999To Deactivate : *111*10*95# OR Stop M5 and send to 9999 Purchase Price (BDT) :299
Free Mins :498
SMS (GP-GP) :100
Internet (MB) :100
MMS (GP-GP) : 100
Type of Calls : GP-GP & GP-Others
Usable Time Band :24 hours
Validity 30days
Note: 15% VAT will be applicable on Price and 10 sec pulse will be applicable on free minutes
- GP Prepaid & Postpaid (xplore, Ekota & GP Public Phone) customer are eligible for this offer.
- To purchase preferred bundle, customer has to type the eligible keyword and send to 9999 or directly dial to USSD string (free of charge).
- For Pack 1: Free minutes will be applicable for all local GP-GP call cases including F&F, Super F&F and community as per given time band. For Pack 2-5: Free minutes will be applicable for GP-GP & GP-Other operator call cases including F&F, Super F&F and Community.
- SMS and MMS will be applicable for GP-GP only.
- Within the validity period if customer purchases another bundle, then the validity of bundle will be extended accordingly from the day of purchase and previous volume will be added on.
- Multiple purchase is possible but a customer can purchase each bundle maximum 2 times in a Day.
- “My Zone” Customer can also avail the offer. However, My Zone discount will be applicable after consumption of the bundle minutes.
For Data offer:
- If a prepaid bundle taker will come to one of our existing Internet packages, data volume will also be added to that migrated package.
- Prepaid customers need to activate New Pay-as-you-go (P0) package in order to enjoy internet offer with Bundle. To activate the package, dial *500*0#.
- In prepaid, the data volume will be added to the existing package volume that the customer might be already using.
- In post-paid, the Bundle data volume will not be added with existing package volume which the customer might be already using. Data volume can be used after the expiry of already subscribed package volume but within the specific validity period.
- If a prepaid customer consumes the Bundle Data volume before the expiry date, s/he will be charged as new Pay-as-you-go package (BDT 0.01/1KB upto BDT 300) till the end of the ongoing validity period, unless s/he subscribes to any other paid GP internet package.
- If a customer, who is already using a GP internet package, opt in to any bundle and the validity of the existing internet package is lower than the bundle pack validity – then higher validity will be applicable. As a result, the existing Internet package that the customer was using will be auto renewed after the extended/higher validity period.
- If a non Internet user (postpaid subscriber who has no Internet Package subscribed at the moment) opt in to any bundle offer, after the expiry of the validity date, Internet will be deactivated and will be charged BDT .01/10KB if the subscriber finishes the data volume before the expiry date.
- During the data disbursement time, if any postpaid customer found in BARRED status, in that case data will not be disbursed.
- Existing Internet P2 , P3 and Smart Plan customers will not get the Bundle Internet Volume disbursed to their account.
- To stop using this internet offer before the expiry date customer has to send STOP to 5000 (free of cost).
Tag :
gp bundel,
Grameenphone is offering 100 SMS 5Taka !
Grameenphone has some great value added services.Now its offering 100 SMS 5 Taka only
All GP Prepaid (excluding GPPP, VP & BPO) can Get this offer.
To buy this pack dial *111*10*6# or Type START SMS and send sms to 9999.
djuice customers can get this by typing D SMS and send the SMS to 9999
The bundle SMS will be applicable for GP-GP SMS only.
Customers will be charged BDT 5 (+VAT)
Validity of the SMS bundle will be 3 days
To check the balance of the SMS, customers can dial *566*2# (free)
Other info are as follows
*You can buy multiple times during the campaign period and even before the end of validity period.
*Customers can enjoy this offer after receiving the confirmation SMS
*SMS value will be accumulated with every new purchase
*After the ending of free offer period, customers SMS will be charged as per regular tariff
*Validity of SMS will be set as per the latest purchase
*The bundle SMS will be applicable for GP-GP SMS only. Port/International/GP-Other Operator *SMS is not applicable.
*15% VAT will be applicable on all charges
Tag :
gp bundel,
Robi All SMS Bundle : Robi-Robi Or Robi-Other
Robi-Robi SMS Bundles
100 SMS,Robi-Robi,2 days Validity,BDT 5,Dial *8666*5555#
10 SMS,Robi-Robi ,1 Hour Validity, BDT 1 ,Dial *8666*1#
2000 SMS, Robi-Robi,BDT130.43, with 4 weeks Validity, Dial *8666*1500#
1000 SMS,Robi-Robi (Usage Time:12:00am to 6:00am) BDT25, 30 days validity, Dial *8666*25#
Robi-Other Operator SMS Bundles
100 SMS,Robi-Other,BDT 10 ,1 Day Validity,Dial *8666*1000#
1000 SMS, Robi-Other,BDT 173.91, 4 weeks Validity, Dial *8666*2000#
- VAT applicable
- This campaign is applicable for Pre-Paid users only
- For Robi-Robi SMS Balance query dial *222*10#
- For Robi-Other SMS Balance query dial *222*20#
- Subscribers can purchase the pack as many times as they want.
Tag :
bundle minutes,
robi bundel,
Robi NEW Voice Bundle Offers
Rater Golpo Bundle
100 mins (for Robi) : 12am-8am
Purchase Code: *8666*28#
Balance Query Code: Onnet voice: *222*6#
Charge (15% VAT Applicable) : Tk 28
Voice Pulse :10 sec
Validity :7 days
Priyo Shomoy Bundle
Offer 25 mins (for Robi) : 2pm-6pm
Purchase Code : *8666*18#
Balance Query Code Onnet voice: *222*7#
Charge (15% VAT Applicable) : Tk 18
Voice Pulse : 10 sec
Validity : 7 days
Bundle 1
Offer : 20 mins (for Robi)
Bonuses : FREE 100 SMS (any local nummbers), 20 MB, 5 MMS (any local numbers)
Purchase Code *8666*38#
Balance Query Code :
Onnet voice: *222*3#
Data: *222*81#
SMS: *222*12#
Charge (15% VAT Applicable):Tk 38
Voice Pulse :10 sec
Validity : 7 days
Bundle 2
Offer : 15 mins (for Robi)
Bonuses : FREE 20 MB, 5 MMS (any local numbers)
Purchase Code: *8666*27#
Balance Query Code
Onnet voice: *222*3#
Data: *222*81#
MMS: *222*13#
Charge (15% VAT Applicable) : Tk 27
Voice Pulse : 10 sec
Validity : 7 days
Bundle 3
Offer :15 mins (for Robi)
Bonuses : FREE 100 SMS (any local nummbers), 5 MMS (any local numbers)
Purchase Code: *8666*38#
Balance Query Code :
Onnet voice: *222*3#
SMS: *222*12#
MMS: *222*13#Charge (15% VAT Applicable) : Tk 26
Voice Pulse : 10 sec
Validity: 7 days
- Bundle minute/SMS/data/MMS cannot be transferred through balance transfer
- Customer can buy the bundles as many times as desire
- Bundle Pulse: 10 sec (bonus minute, if any)
Tag :
robi bundel,
Airtel new SMS,MMS and Combo Pack bundles
SMS bundle
25 SMS air-air 1 day Tk2.99 *321*102# or Type SMS1 to 4000
100 SMS air-air 1 day TK8.99 *321*103# or Type SMS2 to 4000
MMS bundle
10 MMS air-air 1 day Tk 2.99 *321*100#
50 MMS air-air 1 day Tk 6.99 *321*101#
Combo Pack bundles
3 MMS,5 SMS & 1Mb 1 day TK3 *321*104#
5 MMS, 5 SMS & 3 Mb 1 day TK6 *321*105#
200 SMS & 50 MMS 2 days TK20 *321*108#
300 SMS & 75 MMS 3 days TK30 *321*107#
137 SMS & 137 MMS 3 days TK32.17 *321*109#
500 SMS & 150 MMS 7 days Tk50 *321*106#
147 SMS & 147 MMS 7 days TK40.87 *321*110#
197 SMS & 197 MMS 15days TK84.35 *321*111#
297 SMS & 297 MMS 21days TK258.26 *321*000#
This bundles are applicable for pre-paid users only
For air-air SMS balance query dial *778*2#
For air-air MMS balance query dial *778*9#
You can purchase the packs any number of times.
Tag :
airtel bundel,
airtel Power pack
15tk,55tk,199tk recharge korle oi tk kete bundle peye jaben:
1. Tk15 Power Pack:
a. Tk. 15 ONNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*20# - FREE)
b. Tk. 15 OFFNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*21# - FREE)
c. Tk. 15 ONNET SMS (Checking Code: *778*1# - FREE)
d. Tk. 15 MB DATA (Checking Code: *778*23# - FREE)
e. Validity: 2 days including purchasing day
2. Tk55 Power Pack:
a. Tk. 55 ONNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*20# - FREE)
b. Tk. 55 OFFNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*21# - FREE)
c.Tk. 55 ONNET SMS (Checking Code: *778*1# - FREE)
d. Tk. 55 MB DATA (Checking Code: *778*23# - FREE)
e. Validity: 7 days including purchasing day
3. Tk199 Power Pack:
a. Tk. 200 ONNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*20# - FREE)
b. Tk. 200 OFFNET talktime (Checking Code: *778*21# - FREE)
c. Tk. 200 ONNET SMS (Checking Code: *778*1# - FREE)
d. Tk. 200 MB DATA (Checking Code: *778*23# - FREE)
e. Validity: 18 days including purchasing day
• For Power Pack Recharge, no amount or validity will be posted in the customer’s main account
• + 15 % VAT applicable
• For airtel-airtel calls:
a. Rating will be Tk. 0.87/min +VAT
b. Pulse will be 10 seconds
c. Can be used in any number including 36poisha/min or lower rate ones for 24 hours
• For airtel-other operators calls:
a. Rating will be Tk. 1.20/min +VAT
b. Pulse will be 10 seconds
c. Can be used in any number including 79poisha/min or lower rate ones for 24 hours
• airtel-airtel SMS:
a. Rating will be Tk. 0.45/SMS +VAT
b. Can be used in any number including 36poisha/min or lower rate ones for 24 hours
• Internet:
f. Rating will be Tk. 1.3/MB +VAT
g. Can be used for 24 hours
h. Pulse will be in KB
Tag :
airtel bundel,
Grameenphone is offering 100 GP-GP SMS at BDT 5
From March 14, 2013, there will be endless stories and get-together’s because Grameenphone is offering 100 GP-GP SMS at BDT 5.
Details of the offer:
- This offer will be applicable for all GP Prepaid (excluding GPPP, VP & BPO)
- To opt-in for this SMS Offer, customers can either dial *111*10*6# or send SMS by typing the keyword START SMS and send the SMS to 9999.
- djuice customers already has this offer as a permanent feature and can opt-in to this offer by typing the keyword D SMS and send the SMS to 9999
- Customers will be charged BDT 5 (+VAT) for availing the bundle SMS offer.
- Validity of the SMS bundle will be 3 days
- To check the balance of the SMS, customers can dial *566*2# (free)
- Eligible customers can take the offer multiple times during the campaign period and even before the end of validity period.
- Customers can enjoy this offer after receiving the confirmation SMS
- SMS value will be accumulated with every new purchase
- After the ending of free offer period, customers SMS will be charged as per regular tariff
- Validity of SMS will be set as per the latest purchase
- The bundle SMS will be applicable for GP-GP SMS only. Port/International/GP-Other Operator SMS is not applicable.
- The offer will continue until further notice
- 15% VAT will be applicable on all charges
Tag :
gp bundel,
Citycell kotha and praner utsov (january-2014)
Free Handset Servicing
Free SIM Replacement
Attractive Gifts
Golden Number can be collected
Handset Discount offer
Tag :
Current promotion,
airtel 3G offer
ঢাকা, চট্টগ্রাম, সিলেটের পর কুমিল্লাও এখন airtel 3G কানেক্টেড! Click here: http://bit.ly/airtel3Gcomilla if you are an airtel subscribers from Comilla, you can get 100 MB of FREE 3G data just by sharing your airtel number and some details. With airtel 3G Life এখন অন্য লেভেলে!
Note: This offer is only valid for airtel subscribers from Comilla. The first 10,000 users to register from Comilla will get 100 MB of FREE 3G data from us.
Tag :
3G internet pakage,
Robi Joy Utshab: Lowest Call Rates and 7 Benefits
Robi is the only operator who is offering 7 Super Benefits after refilling BDT 21. This includes 4.17paisa/10sec to one Priyo FnF no, 10p/10sec to all local numbers, 21p/SMS and 4 Bonuses inc. mins, SMS, Internet & MMS.
Differentiating customer values
Only Robi is offering recharge based both Call & SMS rates with maximum (7 benefits) on Recharge Bonus for its valued subscribers.7 Super Benefits for BDT 21 Recharge :
a. Super Rates:1. 4.17paisa/10sec to one Robi Priyo number during 24 hrs and with the validity of 10 days
2. 10paisa/10sec to any local numbers during 24 hrs and with the validity of 10 days
3. 21paisa/SMS to any local numbers during 24 hrs and with the validity of 10 days
b. Recharge Bonus:
4. 21 Robi-Robi mins, to check dial *222*3#, usage time & validity : 00:00:00 hrs to 16:59:59 hrs, 2 days
5. 21 MB internet to check dial *8444*88#, validity 2 days
6. 21 SMS for any operator usage, to check dial *222*12#, validity 2 days
7. 21 MMS, to check dial *222*13#. Validity 2 days
c. Offer is applicable for Joy Utshab Default Pack & Joy Utshab Offnet Pack
d. After recharging BDT 21, customers will also get BDT 11 in main A/C for any purpose
e. Customer needs to add Priyo number once (Super FnF number) before recharging BDT 21
f. For any kind of package migration, customer needs to recharge BDT 21 again to get Super Rates.
Activation Bonus
a. 121 MB Internet, to check dial *8444*88# & validity 10 daysb. 121 SMS for any local operator, to check dial *222*12# & validity 10 days
c. 121 MMS, to check dial *222*13# & validity 10 days
d. 11 Taka for any purpose use, to check dial *222# & validity 60 days
banglalion New Year Gift 2014
Banglalion awards loyal Postpaid customer by offering onetime bonus data. Data will be provided based on the following category:
Number of active months | Limited data plan | King/King Pro plan |
12 times or more | 30% bonus data | 30% bonus FUP data |
6-11 times | 20% bonus data | 20% bonus FUP data |
3-5 times | 10% bonus data | 10% bonus FUP data |
a) Bonus data will be given only once within January 23-February 22 when new bill cycle starts.
b) Data will be posted after 48 hours of new bill generation.
c) Inactive customer can avail this offer when reactivates and meet payment eligibility.
d) Customer will get the higher denomination of bonus percentage.
e) Any other Postpaid terms and conditions will remain same.
Q. Who are eligible for this bonus data?
A. Postpaid customers are only eligible for this data providing they meet the number of payment eligibility option.
Q. What do customer has to do to get this data?
A. Customer doesn’t need to do anything. It will be automatically posted to their account when new bill generates.
Q. Why can’t I see my bonus data in my account, although I am eligible for it?
A. Please allow upto 48 hours to get your bonus data to be posted in your account. If the data is still not posted in the account, then notify customer care by opening an online ticket at http://tticket.banglalionwimax.com/
For details, please call Banglalion Careline 09611-556677 or 16313
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