Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, March 5, 2014

One Robi subscriber, purchasing the most number of items from will be awarded with a brand new ‘Google Nexus 7’ each day during the campaign period.

- The campaign will run from 3rd March- 9th March, 2014

- To be eligible for the campaign, each Robi subscriber will have to register in using his/her Robi number

- Upon registration, each Robi subscriber will be awarded with Tk. 77 discount voucher for 1st purchase (via akhoni77 PROMO CODE) upon purchase of goods worth 500 TK, and 7 MB free data pack to browse

- To avail the discount coupon, the subscriber will have to apply the code ‘akhoni77’ while confirming the payment
- One subscriber (a unique number) can use the code for once to avail the bonus.

- Validity of the coupon code will be from 3rd March (12 am) to 9th March (12 pm).

- The code will only be available to use after registration in and at a minimum purchase of product value 500 BDT.

- There will be special offers on:
--- T-shirts
--- Jewelry
--- Watches and
--- Contact Lenses

- The winner announcement will be published through Robi Facebook page starting from the 3rd day of the campaign

- Hotlink for the website is:

Further Details:

Visit / call +88 096 11 55 77 88

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