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- Robi 3G Internet Packages New March-2014
Posted by : Unknown
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Choose your data pack & start your journey to high speed Robi 3.5G, a world of new data experiences. Enjoy never ending streaming video, movies, music, news, sports, apps, games and more using 3.5G internet.
Activate Robi 3.5G Dial *666*1#
Deactivate Robi 3.5G Dial *666*2#
How to Get Robi 3.5G Service
Step 1: Dial *666*1#
Step 2: Purchase any of the 3.5G data packs mentioned below:
Speed 1 Mbps 3MB + 2MB Bonus* 1 Day Validity 3Tk Dial *8444*303# Prepaid
20MB + 15MB Bonus* 3 Day Validity 20 Tk Dial *8444*335# Prepaid, Postpaid
* Pack Launch Bonus: Bonus Campaign till 31st of May’14.
75 MB 7 Days Validity 40 Tk Dial *8444*3075# Prepaid, Postpaid 200MB 30 Days Validity 99Tk Dial *8444*399# Prepaid, Postpaid 500MB 30 Days Validity 199Tk Dial *8444*3199# Prepaid, Postpaid
* Pack Launch Bonus: Bonus Campaign till 31st of May’14.
*VAT Applicable
Prepaid and Postpaid users can buy this packages
* above pack cost are excluding VAT
* after each successful purchase, subscribers will get notification SMS
* pack volume can be used in both 3G & 2G network environment.
* above packs are in auto renewal
* for data balance check please dial *8444*88#
* to know more about data packs please dial *8444#
Internet Data Balance Check Dial *8444*88#
Suggested Pages
- Robi 3.5G Coverage Areas
- Check Any Operators 3G Coverage in Your Area Easily
Pay Per Use Robi 3.5G Tariff
Package Price (excluding VAT)
Pay Per Use (PPU) - Px BDT0.015/KB
Important Note
- After expiration of Data Bundle Pack, subscribers will be charged BDT 0.01/10KB
- If the registered 3G customers buy a 2G pack and latched on 3G network still he/she can use 2G data pack but the speed will be same as 2G.
- Dial *8444*88# for data balance check.
- 3.5G Deactivation Code: *666*2#
- To ensure smooth video call service, you need to have 3G video call enabled handset, and be within 3G network coverage too.