Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Robi prepaid subscribers not using their SIMs since February 5, 2014 or earlier (except Uddokta, EasyLoad, SME Prepaid, and prepaid corporate) can now enjoy this offer.

Lowest Call Rate:

Silent subscriber will get the following tariff benefit within 72 hours once they start using their Robi prepaid number. Silent customers can be activated with any Outgoing Call, SMS or any revenue generating activity in the silent SIM.
- Voice (24 hrs)
--- On-net number: 4.17p/10 sec
--- Off-net voice tariff: 10p/10 sec
--- On-net SMS: Tk 0.05 /SMS

- After enjoying above tariff for 48 hours, subscribers will be enjoying default tariff plan unless they recharge BDT 12
- If they recharge BDT 12, subscribers will again get above special tariff with 48 hours validity
- A subscriber can avail this tariff benefit as many times as he wants during the campaign
- 25MB 2G data for 10 Tk plan will also be available for these subs. To purchase the pack dial *8444*21#

- To check eligibility, customer can send free SMS from any Robi number in the following format: A Customer Number SMS to 8050
- The default tariff is 15p/10sec to any local operator
- If these subscribers migrate to any other tariff plan they will not get special tariff offer.
- VAT Applicable for all charges


Free of Cost SIM replacement for Eligible Customer:

Offer eligible subscribers’ damaged or lost SIM can be replaced for free subject to following the prescribed verification process.

This offer will run until further notice.

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